Sunday, September 25, 2005

Chávez Affirms That The People Are No Longer Tolerating Impositions Or Being Trampled On

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Chávez Affirms That The People Are No Longer Tolerating Impositions Or Being Trampled On

BY VENTURA DE JESUS—Granma daily special correspondent—

CARACAS.—President Hugo Chávez has affirmed that the planet will not accept imperialism being legalized within the United Nations. The peoples are no longer tolerating being impositions or being trampled on, the Venezuelan leader emphasized as he addressed the large crowd assembled outside Miraflores Palace.

HUGO CHAVEZVenezuelans expressed pride and praised their president’s judgment in evoking patriotic sentiment during his speech at the UN, a speech that very much touched on events in the world.

Chávez reaffirmed his criticism of the final declaration issued by the 60th UN General Assembly and, among other things, said that the proposals for a Peacebuilding Commission and the so-called "Responsibility to Protect" idea are nothing more than the shameless and immoral logic of imperialism trying to dominate the world.

He commented that the central issue, however, the fight against poverty, was left aside and was not discussed, and explained that in the United States alone, there are some 40 million poor and excluded. "We have been able to see that for ourselves during these days. The Third World is also within that great country," he stated.

This Sunday, thousands of Venezuelans welcomed the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution back to the homeland after his successful trip to the United States and his courageous and historic speech at the UN.

Enthusiastic Caracas residents filled the surroundings of the presidential palace from the early afternoon.

The president noted that he had done nothing more than try to convey the sentiment and the essence of the Venezuelan people, and to try to rise to the level of the hope and dignity of the homeland of Bolívar.

"I said what I had to say. I always speak in the name of my people, and I speak the truth freely," he affirmed, after explaining that proposals made by Venezuela in other forums have become consolidated with the passing of time. "We have spoken 100 truths and we will continue to do so," he stated.

Chávez referred to the three days he spent in the "Big Apple" that enabled him – in his own words – to encounter the soul of the U.S. people, who admire the Venezuelan people.

"They are great truths that the planet wants to hear," said Nicolás Maduro, president of the Venezuelan National Assembly. "We are deeply grateful and satisfied to have the leadership of a man who reflects the conscience of Venezuelans and embodies a spirit of justice."

Hugo Chávez noted that the government of George W. Bush tried by every means possible to prevent his participation in the UN Assembly, by refusing entry visas to the head of the presidential guard and the medical personnel accompanying him, but added that nothing could stop him from being there or from having contact with that country’s people, from whom, he said, "will come the strength to liberate humanity from war."


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